Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lovely Marloes Horst

Lovely lovely readers!
So many things to tell I don't think I have enough space!.
Colombia was very great I absolutely LOVED the fashion shows and going to conferences and everything in between.
I can't imagine it was only a week!, time goes fast. But well I'm already planning the next fashion show, well I'm hoping to go to New York Fashion week, so fingers crossed!.
Well todays illustration is inspired in a Marloes Horst picture for june issue of Allure Magazine, she is such a beautiful model , probably most of you have seen her on and off the runway, you can check here to see some of her work.
Everytime I see a picture of her makes me want to drew her, she is amazing in every shot!.
So well I hope u like it, I try to work the background in a different way also.
P.S: The quote is from a Regina Spektor song! :) u can guess which one!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beautiful Amanda Renberg

I'm officially back from my trip, it was short but fun!, already planning to go back sometime.
How was everybody weekend?, I spend most of my saturday flying back home and doing way too many stops.
Well many wonderful news, next week I'll be going to Colombia for the Fashion Week!, never been before but is supposed to be one of the bests in this side of the globe.
And about this illustration is inspire in the gorgeous Amandar Renberg: a very talented Sweden actress, you can see her in the movie the Ketchup effect, where she plays the role of the misfit Sophie. She is not just strikingly beautiful in it but also incredible talented!.
So if you can watch it I highly recomend it,
P.d: The quote is from a Dixie Chick song :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Teal Madness

Hello everyone!
I'm super happy with how my trip is going so far. Its been like 4 years since the last time that I came to Miami and I'm surprised to see how much it change. Here everyone wears whatever they want and in some cases that turns to be a good thing(some cases), the mixture of everything and everyone is amazing. And there is a lot of people with a very nice and edgy sense of fashion.
Tomorrow I'll be heading to Los Angeles!!, can't wait!.
For now I leave you with this illustration of a girl with teal hair (very popular hair color apparently), Does any of you have this hair color? I'm considering giving some color to my hair, like the dips only in maybe pink or teal, what do you think?.
Big hugs to you all!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sand people + Beautiful Carmen Solomon

SAND PEOPLE from Andreas Waldschuetz on Vimeo.

How is everybody week going? mine is really heacted! Lot's of things to tell, I'll be traveling to Los Angeles and Miami next week, sooo I'm totally exceting to see all the streetwear and fashion over there.
Meanwhile I found a video of the beautiful Carmen Solomon, and I just could'nt wait to share it with u all!.
And doing a little research I found out that this is a video from director Andreas Waldschuetz and a very interesting proyect call Sand people that you can read about it here. Is interesting for many reasons(beside Carmen and her striking look) first the photography is sublime, totally breathtaking, second the looks and wardrobre is pretty amazing as well, the group of designers that collaborate with the proyect is very talented and I can even said avant-garde, and besides all that the set was in Namibia wich gives just that extra sublime touch to all!.
Well I leave u all with that, hope u love it as much as I did!.